Okay so if I'm going to keep this thing going while taking 17 credits I'm going to have to make it short and sweet....which means stick to the gimmicks and give you no real substance. So I think I've decided to be Captain Morgan for the Halloween Ex Parte party. I'm gonna need some time to grow out the red beard though. I think a group of people could win the group theme contest if we had Captain Morgan, Jose Cuervo, Jack Daniels, etc.
Random thought: Should the Jose Cuervo guy have a worm in him to be authentic?
Random list:
Ways to incorporate a Halloween costume and carrying alcohol (some of these are stolen):
1- Culligan man - water jug full of vodka
2- Human keg - Cat last year
3 - Starship trooper with super soaker
4- Lexisnexis guy handing out phallic nalgene bottles
5- Exterminator with 'bug spray' - Andy last year
6- Camel with humps filled with camel backs
7- Fireman....no hose jokes necessary
8- Okay this one is poor taste but it would raise the roof....A terrorist with liquid explosives all over the body - a detonator would run to the 'explosives' but actually be a drinking tube - I wonder if that still qualifies me for 99 virgins in heaven...probly not but I'd choose the booze anyways
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