Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Random...and not all that funny...
So I guess when I run out of random thoughts I'll be forced to share some real events...I think thats what you're supposed to do in a blog. But if most blogs are for living vicariously through other people then I want to create a new genre of web logs because 1-mine will only be extremely random entries, 2- no one wants to live vicariously through me, and 3- if I wrote everything about my life what would I write in my pink digital diary. This blog won't be full "stories in the life of" entries like most web logs....more like internet twigs. I could try to work in a Monty Python Lumberjack musical number here (http://youtube.com/watch?v=R7ZK7CpB_Gc&search=monty%20python%20lumberjack) but I think I've taken this 'log' thing too far.
Okay random thought: Can if I really call it a random thought if I had to sit here and come up with it?
Random List topic: Facebook Etiquette Rules
1- Picture Cropping is a must if you can't tell which one is you. Remember, more thank likely people are only interested/stalking you cus they don't remember what you look like...if they did they'd be on somebody's page that was better looking.
2- The picture should say something about you. Even if it's that you like to change your pic a lot, or don't own any shirts.
3- When to change the picture...I think it should only be done when you need a facebook makeover so like dental cleaning only once every 6 months. So I guess what I'm saying is that if you change your pic every week, you don't floss enough.
4- Relationship status button - the devil cus in the end it'll get ya
5- Quotes - more than 10 is a waste - it says favorite for a reason - it doesn't say list every thing I've ever heard - it's not the size of the profile that counts - everybody knows it's the number of strangers you convinced that they knew you so you'd add them
6- Wall quotes are there for the community to enjoy. Shout outs like "I love you pookey, can't wait to see you in 4 hrs," do serve the community by marking your territory, but really just skip the middleman and urinate on their leg and it'd have the same effect...well no I guess it wouldn't but I'd find it entertaining. There's a message button for a reason. Bday shout outs or public shaming of the night before are of course exceptions.
7- Tagging is only fair.
8 - Remember if you're not wasting inordinate amounts of time doing it, you're not doing it right.


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